We wanted to revisit an older video the ATTO team produced which helps clear confusion around the ATTO Thunderlink products. We know the video is a little old and some products are legacy items, we are hoping to produce a new version and will post when available, but the enclsoed explains the interface & connectivity options avail;able for these solutions.
One of the most common questions about ATTO ThunderLink are around the different interface options for ThunderLink products (Network to Thunderbolt). The information is relevant to our current ATTO products and it is worth talking look at if you have questions about the ThunderLink connectivity.
Adimex offers a range of compatible Armoured Fibre from BeetekAV featuring 4, 6, 8 or 12 core models in MM or SM with a range of connector options. Beetek use a TPU sheath which is more durable than other solutions.
Check out the BeeTek Fibre cables here